[Webinar] Public, Private or Both?: What’s The Smart Play In The Midst Of COVID-19?
On March 27th, Excelsior Capital President and Founder, Brian Adams was joined by David Wells, Founder of Family Capital Strategy for a live discussion to determine what steps should be taken going forward in this uncertain economic climate.
In this webinar we cover:
- The differences between COVID-19 and 911
- The Bear vs Bull Market
- Should we wait or strike now for a better deal?
- How COVID-19 has recalibrated how we evaluate risk
- Are people investing?
- Will life and work look different after COVID-19?
With these uncertain times, our goal is to provide the most up to date, unbiased information so investors are equipped to feel comfortable moving forward despite the current circumstances.
Some Highlights From The Webinar
1. Are families being offensive or are they in wait and see mode?
Families have been fairly steady in deploying capital, and as the market went down, they have been rebalancing. However, we have not heard or seen activity that this is the time to be more aggressive on the baseline allocation.
2. How does COVID-19 differ from 911?
COVID-19 is unique in the fact that it has not only hit Wall Street, but it has also hit Main Street. While the market is responding, we are too in the middle of it to know how it will all shake out.
3. How was COVID-19 recalibrated how people view risk, credit and opportunity?
After COVID-19, the common data points we used to evaluate the risk of a company have become completely irrelevant. Companies with exceptional credit have been hit hard due to unforeseen decreases in tourism, travel and hospitality.
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Excelsior Capital
A real estate private equity firm that owns and operates high quality multi-tenant office assets in emerging secondary markets.
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