Mental Wellness and The Workplace
Podcast: Mental Wellness and The Workplace
This episode will surely be inspiring and leave you feeling empowered!
Key Highlights
[00:00 – 08:14] Opening Segment
- Introducing Robert to the show
- Leveraging education and experience to help businesses establish and maintain their PMOs
- He also got a doctorate in health and human performance from MTSU
[08:15 – 19:05] The Impact of Physical Activity on Mental Health
- Many police officers were former military struggling with substance abuse and suicides
- Finding the next mission was essential to focus on
- Exercise science research has been underestimated within the community
[19:06 – 29:52] Exploring the Differences Between Hypertrophy and Strength Training
- Hypertrophy Training is a minimally invasive approach to helping individuals with PTSD
- Volume, sets, reps, and weights are essential for an optimized training
- Strength training focuses on activating muscle spindles and suppressing Golgi tendon organs
- Nutrition should be tailored to the individual
[29:53 – 35:05] Balancing Fitness, Physique, and Strength with a Busy Lifestyle
- Calorie intake should be monitored to ensure fat loss and muscle gain
- 2-3 hours of training per day is required for bodybuilding
- Healthy eating choices such as chicken, fish, and red meat are important
[35:06 – 38:38] Closing Segment
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