Establishing a Systematic Approach to Cryptocurrency Trading
Podcast: Establishing a Systematic Approach to Cryptocurrency Trading
Key Highlights
[00:01 – 18:18] The Key to Managing Your Investment Portfolio
- The principle of diversification is to go as far as you can get as many diversified income streams or profit sources that you can.
- Crypto is not correlated to stocks, has different cycles and time scales, and offers a great opportunity for diversification in a portfolio.
- Systematic trading is a rules-based approach to trading that aims to find profitable opportunities in the market.
- Most traders might have some systematic elements don’t trade systematically. This may result to panic and lead to hurdles in creating financial decisions.
[18:19 – 27:20] How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Trading
- It’s important to have rules that are tested and validated to be profitable. Without confidence in the rules, most people will freak out and misbehave.
- Leverage exists to help brokers make more money, not to help you make more money. Increasing your leverage drastically increases your risk of blowing up your account.
- To stay in the game as a trader, you have to be willing to lose money and take losses.
[27:21 – 32:07] Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor
- There is a need for systems to be applied to markets in order to make money, and the best way to do that is through a systematic approach.
- The biggest lesson learned for Adrian is that having rules that are profitable and that have confidence in them is key to success.
[32:08 – 34:18] Closing Segment
- Want to learn more about Adrian’s systems? Go to ( to find articles, tip sheets, and a free course on how to get started.
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Twitter: @EnlightenStock
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