Deindustrialization: Opportunity or Threat?
Podcast: Deindustrialization – Opportunity or Threat?
Key Highlights
[00:01 – 00:59] Opening Segment
[01:00 – 07:15] Examining the Impact of De-Industrialization and Reshoring Manufacturing in the Global Economy
- De-industrialization is a long-term decline in the output of manufactured goods
- De-industrialization is a natural outcome of the maturation of industry, technology, and productivity
- Over the past 25 years, employment in manufacturing has fallen dramatically in advanced economies
- Germany made a risky bet on cheap energy from Russia and consumer demand from China
- The location of manufacturing will shift due to deindustrialization, de-globalization, depopulation, and decoupling
- Real estate, industrial infrastructure, and transportation infrastructure in place to nearshore/restore a large portion of manufacturing back to the US
[07:16 – 07:55] Closing Segment
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