Building Strong and Authentic Relationships in Business
Podcast: Building Strong and Authentic Relationships in Business
Key Highlights
[00:01 -11:35] What’s Going On in the Real Estate Market Now
- How recession will impact the debt market
- There will be good buying opportunities in the next three to six months for commercial properties regardless of the rising interest rate
- Seeing things from a macro-view helps with coming up with logical decisions amidst the crisis
[11:36 – 22:54] Business is All About Relationships
- Billy talks about Bridge Loan
- Business is adding value where needed. That’s how you can create a network
- Creating a vibrant private investor community
- Real estate is a small world. It is important to cultivate relationships and avoid being transactional
- People prefer to do business with people they trust
[22:55 – 50:35] Building a Passionate Community
- Combining passion and profit through The Golf Sanctuary
- You can find business opportunities where there’s a need
- The lessons Billy learned from the business side of the game
- People need a community that serves as their safe space to enjoy and talk about business at the same time
- Common elements of success for those who are able to experience success
[37:58 – 40:02] Closing Segment
- Connect with Billy Brown by visiting
Links Mentioned:
Billy’s Linkedin:
Golf Sanctuary:
Brian’s Linkedin:
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