[Webinar] Investing in Health: How to Operate in the “New Normal”
Everything in healthcare has changed over the last three months. From the investments being made to how we operate our healthcare facilities, COVID-19 is impacting the way we’ve operated and will forever change the way we operate in the future.
In order to gain a complete understanding of the impact COVID-19 has had and will continue to have on healthcare, we’ve pulled together experts both on the frontlines fighting this disease and also investing in companies that could help prevent major health crises like the one day.
In a webinar hosted on June 5th, 2020, we were joined by Vic Gatto CEO of Jumpstart Health Investors, John Morris, MD Chief of Staff, Vanderbilt Medical Center and Miller Morris, M.A, M.P.H., CEO, The Comma Collective as they provided unique perspectives on the topic of healthcare, public health and health investing as they relate to COVID-19.
In this webinar we cover:
- What COVID looks like today and for the next 24 months
- Megatrends In Healthcare Going Forward
- Metrics To Follow
- Post COVID-19 Winner and Losers
- Acceleration of 4 Existing Trends
- The Entry of New Players Into Health & Consolidation
Some highlights from the webinar:
What are we seeing happen in each region from COVID-19 over the next few months?
States in the southeast are all seeing elevated case numbers over the last 10 days. States in the Northeast are seeing the opposite with cases decreasing significantly. In the Midwest, we are seeing rising new infections and rising numbers of hospitalizations. In the southwest, Texas reported 2000 new cases. Far west is still too high for those states to enter phase two.
“We’re not out of the woods yet, and the rush to open the economy, an understandable rush nonetheless, but needs to be put into context.” John Morris
What trends should we expect to see in healthcare going forward?
- We expect to see a stronger private partnership where innovation is coming from the private sector and slowly being adopted by these large bureaucratic surviving institutions.
- Remote care is going to become much more widely used. However, it require the development of additional monitoring and delivery services, and it could put private providers at risk
- There will be an accelerated push to value based care. This is the foundational premise that has been in effect but will be accelerated. This is the achievement of quality at either the same or lower cost. This is only going to come through innovation.
- Conflict between privacy and public good. Value of big data is accelerating and how it helps us to understand public health. It is going to be a robust fight with who owns your healthcare data.
- Must rebuild the public health infrastructure.
How to invest in healthcare companies effectively?
Identify problems with healthcare providers then find solutions that solve those problems. Historically, this has been a very slow moving process, but with the ramp up of COVID-19, the need for these innovations has increased dramatically.
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