[Webinar] How To Invest in the Midst of a Pandemic: Finding the Light at the End of the Tunnel
With so many different sources of information swirling about, we hope to make things a little clearer for investors trying to figure out their next move in the midst of this pandemic.
In this webinar we uncovered reliable news sources, helpful historical comparisons and provided advice on how to deploy capital in hopes that we can all be reminded that this too shall pass.
On April 10th, Excelsior Capital Founder and Principal, Brian Adams was joined by Adam Dretler, Principal at Diversified Trust for for a live discussion to determine what steps should be taken going forward in this uncertain economic climate.
Some Highlights From The Webinar
1. What can investors be doing right now?
Getting organized. Take care of the things you can currently control. Use this time to get your financial affairs in order, getting your estate plan in order and even taking better care of yourself.
2. What sectors or themes should investors be looking at right now?
The smart move right now is to look for solid, strong companies. The key is finding good companies and industries and holding onto them for a long time. However, if your risk appetite allows for it, you can also take advantage of some fun sectors like airlines, retail ad cruise lines, but you need to be sure you are only gambling the amount you are willing to lose.
3. Is it okay to not deploy capital right now?
It’s important to recognize that these are unprecedented times, and you don’t have to always be fully invested. In fact, it can be prudent to reduce your risk by not investing and being okay with just waiting it out. However, if you do have cash on hand right now that you want to deploy, determine an entrypoint and deploy when it is time. It can be incredibly crippling trying to find the perfect time to deploy, so by setting that entrypoint, you eliminate many of the questions.
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Excelsior Capital
A real estate private equity firm that owns and operates high quality multi-tenant office assets in emerging secondary markets.
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